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Home of Zrinski & Zrinjani. Discover how destiny, perseverance and family love, brought together a group of relative strangers from different continents for a shared mission:

To find and share the stories of Zrin, its history, the people, their traditions, and reveal the truth.

WELCOME to our website, dedicated to unravelling the story of Zrin and its remarkable inhabitants. Here, we invite you to embark on a journey through time, delving into the rich tapestry of Zrin's history and the lives of the people who once lived in this beautiful place.


You will uncover forgotten stories, unmask long-held truths, and gain a deeper understanding of the complex tapestry that forms the history of Zrin. Whether you are a passionate history enthusiast, a curious explorer or a descendant seeking to connect with your roots, we invite you to immerse yourself in this digital sanctuary dedicated to preserving the legacy of Zrin.


Strength, resilience, and faith—these words echo in our minds when we think of the people of Zrin.


Our website is a living testament, continually evolving with each contribution of knowledge shared among us. Together, we aspire to piece together the mosaic of our collective past, gathering and assembling every breadcrumb of information that has been entrusted to us, in order to reconstruct a more comprehensive picture.


We must not forget the historical truths and our ancestors have earned the right to be remembered. Talk about Zrin and tell the story.


Zrin is situated in a picturesque valley on the southern slopes of the central part of Zrinska Gora. It holds great significance in Croatian history as the birthplace of Nikola Subic Zrinski, a brave and renowned Croatian military hero who valiantly defended his homeland and Europe against the Ottoman Empire.

The association between Subic and Zrin began in 1347 when Subic received Zrin as a gift from King Louis I. From that time onwards, he and his descendants adopted the name Zrinski, derived from Zrin.

During Nikola's lifetime, the Zrinski family rose to become the most influential noble family in the Kingdom of Croatia, earning widespread recognition and respect throughout Europe. Their fame largely stemmed from Nikola's involvement in the famous "Siege of Szigetvar" in 1566. Unfortunately, Nikola lost his life in this battle, but not before he and his warriors successfully halted the Ottoman Empire's advance toward Vienna.

Following Nikola's death, Zrin changed hands several times until the final victory against the Ottoman Empire in 1689. In September 1943, Zrin experience a horrifying massacre that had been authorised by the authorities.  This massacre resulted in the brutal killing of innocent men, women, and children. The townspeople were stripped of their belongings, banished, and forbidden from ever discussing the events that took place. They were branded as enemies of the state, a stigma that lasted long after the war.  Their only sin was that they were Catholic Croatians who did not want to be Communists.

It is crucial to highlight that there were no military forces present in the town. They weren’t the enemy, just residents, mostly farmers, cobblers, blacksmiths, forestry workers, and other occupations. They had a musical band, two churches, two schools, and various other tradespeople such as bakers, tailors, butchers, a barber, a postman, a policeman, the furriers, and 3 shops. There were 8 water-powered mills and a fire/steam mill for grinding flour and corn. A happy town.

According to the last official census in 1910, Zrin had a population of 781 individuals, 777 Catholic Croatians, 3 Serbians, and 1 Hungarian. Prior to World War II, the population was estimated to be around 800-850 people, with the majority being Catholic. During the war and its aftermath, 291 residents of Zrin lost their lives.

In modern times, the dispersed descendants of the Zrin community gather annually in their ancestral town to commemorate the suffering endured by their ancestors. Despite the crimes committed, including murder and forced expulsion, the Zrin parish was not abolished by the Zagreb Diocese.

After more than 75 years of silence, a significant moment occurred on July 29, 2019, when a new bell rang from the bell tower of the Church of the Assumption of the Holy Cross in Zrin. 
Steps are underway to revitalise historical tourism and establish organic lavender fields, which could bring economic benefits to the village, such as job opportunities and increased revenue from lavender-related products.
We hope to see you in Zrin soon.



Upcoming Events

  • Sun, 10 Sept
    10 Sept 2023, 10:30 – 12:30
    Zrin, Zrin, Croatia
    10 Sept 2023, 10:30 – 12:30
    Zrin, Zrin, Croatia
  • Sun, 10 Sept
    10 Sept 2023, 10:30
    Zrin, Zrin, Croatia
    10 Sept 2023, 10:30
    Zrin, Zrin, Croatia
  • Thu, 07 Sept
    07 Sept 2023, 19:30
    Sisak, Veliki Kaptol, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 9, 44000, Sisak, Croatia
    07 Sept 2023, 19:30
    Sisak, Veliki Kaptol, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 9, 44000, Sisak, Croatia
    Book written by Damir Borovcak
  • Tue, 05 Sept
    05 Sept 2023, 19:00 – 19:30
    Zagreb, Kaptol ul. 29A, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
    05 Sept 2023, 19:00 – 19:30
    Zagreb, Kaptol ul. 29A, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
    Book written by Damir Borovcak
  • Sun, 09 Jul
    09 Jul 2023, 09:30 – 10:00
    Zrin, Zrin, Croatia
    09 Jul 2023, 09:30 – 10:00
    Zrin, Zrin, Croatia
    Fr. Darijo Stankovic, our new parish priest, came to bless Branka’s 5000 plants in her lavender fields.
  • Wed, 03 May
    03 May 2023, 16:00 CEST
    Zrin, Zrin, Croatia
    03 May 2023, 16:00 CEST
    Zrin, Zrin, Croatia
    Every Year on the 3rd of May, the feast of the Holy Cross takes place in the name of the church in Zrin.
8Oth Anniversary


Explore the rich history of the people of Zrin. The timeline allows visitors to learn about the many important events that have shaped Zrin and its people. From ancient times to the present day, read a vast collection of resources to help you understand the legacy of Zrin and its people. 


The ambitious vision to trace the lineage of Zrin's inhabitants has transformed into a reality.


The Zrin Family Tree project is making incredible progress, surpassing everyone's expectations. Currently, there is an impressive 2,127 people listed in the tree, all of whom have ancestors from Zrin. These individuals have relatives scattered across the world, including the first descendant from Zrin returning home.



Meet the team who made this possible

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